Best use of dozens and dozens of Genesis Sports games (?)

Started by tappybot, July 15, 2014, 09:24:26 am

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Here's my quandary...

I took a chance on a large set of Genesis games and systems for what appeared to be one rare, valuable game in a photograph.  Well it turned out to be a reproduction, and now I'm stuck with a bunch of bottom of the bin games and incomplete systems.

Nearly all of them actually have cases, most the sports games also have manuals.
There are some decent games in the lot, but I'm not as worried about those.. However, there are just piles of unholy sports and Jeopardy games.

Anyway.  What do I do with this stuff?

The cases themselves can be used for other games without cases...  The carts could be used for reproduction...
But would anyone pay for that?   Just want to recoup some of the cost of my mistake.

I'm in a pickle.

If the systems work, I may try bundling them into sets on ebay for cheap.

But what do you guys think?

Would really appreciate your advice.   :'(

Thanks guys   :yoshi:


Where are you located? I might have a need for some cases, I repurpose them to work as cases for ST-V cartridges.


Your best bet on the carts is probably to build repros with them, but I don't know exactly how much money is in that. The Genesis scene just doesn't have the same following of the NES or SNES, and I'm sure that means a lower demand for Genesis repros. To be honest, I've yet to find a Genesis repro that I had any interest in (and I've got about two dozen NES ones and will probably be branching out into a handful of ones for FC and SNES also).
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Me too, I have a fair few Fami repros but Genesis I'm happy with my Everdrive (while I build a proper box etc.).

I would suggest making repros if the donors work, or making Everdrive shells.  People want those if you can make a nice professional looking label.

So the big question, what was the game?  Bloodlines?
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I know some of you guys are quite handy.  The most I've ever done was clean/replace a 72 pin connector, and remove plastic tabs for region free consoles..

I'm not opposed to it, but I wouldn't know where to start with creating reproduction carts..  :-\


Back in February or March, I had the opportunity to purchase a large bulk set of games, including some decent Famicom games, for a really good price.  But besides the decent / good stuff, there was a ton of bootleg (and also real) Sega Mega Drive crap, sports games and stuff like that.  I knew going into the venture that I could sell the Famicom stuff and regain my money, plus also make a small profit (and keep a few games for my personal collection too), without even doing anything with the Sega crap stuff.  In the end I sold the crappy Sega stuff to someone for $20 - $30, for maybe 80 games, just to get rid of it.  Otherwise, I would have just junked it all.

I don't know how much you paid for the stuff, but if it was not a large sum, I would just try to part it out and sell off what you can, keep the cases (or sell them) separately, and just junk the remainder that is left after six months.  The longer I have been collecting, the less tolerance I have towards keeping something for year upon year just to potentially squeeze $10 out, as the space and less clutter is worth more than the potential money is.  Of course, if you spent a good sum of money, then better to regain some costs first.
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Thanks for the reply.  Yeah I agree about having no tolerance for it.   I made a huge mistake.

I looked up the repro process.  Something I'd love to get into, but have virtually no experience in.
Really just want to get rid of think junk.

Cleaned up a bunch of controllers earlier.   Don't ya just love game equipment that belonged to smokers w/ pets?
About to pull out and test the 10 or so systems.

Assuming they function, I think I'm going to sell them with a few games, couple sports, couple other, and hope to get something back.

There will definitely be a surplus of junk though, so will probably sell the final hordes locally.


Not sure if already considered, but can you get a refund on the whole batch?  If you bought it from eBay that's ayes, if you paid for it by PayPal that's a yes.
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Quote from: L___E___T on July 16, 2014, 10:55:06 am
Not sure if already considered, but can you get a refund on the whole batch?  If you bought it from eBay that's ayes, if you paid for it by PayPal that's a yes.

I thought of that as well.  If the game was a repro, and you bought from ebay, take the refund and remove yourself from the mess.

Otherwise, I would probably try to part the systems out like you are trying to do, keep (or sell) the game cases, and then just dispose of the rest after a few months if you can't sell it.  For pure junk stuff like that, I post it over at Nintendo Age on their auctions and see if there is any interest, and go from there.

The cases I think could be good though, as Genesis cases can also hold Famicom games, right? 
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If something was snuck into a photo without calling out it was repro, in the hope it would gain bites - there is no shame in getting a refund from that BS.

With eBay and PP disputes, it is heavily sided with the buyer so you'll have no problem.  I would never encourage abuse of the system, but if this were me I would have asked for a refund in the bat of an eyelid.
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Thanks guys.  To add to my shame, I bought off of craigslist....  I know..

I'm not going to bother with trying to get my money back from this guy.  He was covered in dirt. Wasn't even his stuff from what I could tell. Selling for a friend or something.
I'm trying to look at this as a challenge to get my money back.  :gamer:

Good news is, filthy as they are, I've got 9 working systems here:

- Model 1 x 2 (one has a touchy power adapter port, but it works easily enough)
- Model 2 x 5
- Model 3 x 1
- PAL Model 1 x 1

and 13 working controllers, all but one are official of various models

Don't have wires for all systems, but I'm relieved to know these things function.. Can probably salvage this situation with some work.

If any of you guys want a working genesis with as many games I can fit into the flat rate priority mail box of your choice, let me know.

edit:    Anyone know what's up with the wire coming out of the inside of the PAL Megadrive system?

Also, I wanted to keep a Genesis for myself, and I hear the 'Hi Definition Graphics' Model 1's are the best.  Well the PAL is one of those.  Can the system be modded to not run 17% slower than NA units?