Want to Buy: XRGB Mini $300

Started by darkratchet, January 23, 2015, 06:05:05 pm

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January 23, 2015, 06:05:05 pm Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 05:29:49 pm by darkratchet
I am looking for this for 300.


well I do not know of any cheap places for them, I bought mine from Yakumo on assembler for like $400.


Solaris Japan has them for $310. Also Assembler is down.


Yeah Kevin is switching web hosts currently.

Not bad price, when I bought mine I also got the D-terminal to component video adapter with mine.


I purchased my unit from Solaris Japan for $315 shipped in January 2015. It arrived within 3 days using the express shipping option. This price was before the 2,000 yen increase that all XRGB-Mini units were given after the New Year. I had a good experience buying from them and would recommend it.


I bought it from solaris japan and now it's being held.