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Introduce yourself...

Started by ClassicGameLabs, August 20, 2006, 08:58:39 pm

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I am JIVA Tigerhareram Blogger Youtuber and Streamer

I have shared google drive with my fans

Google Drive 1
Google Drive 2


I came back and to reintroduce myself, properly this time... and yes, after quite a long time, I have stood my ground, and still haven't left... albeit in the background and not using my account,

In otherwards, Good news everyone... after a long hiatus: I'm back!!!  ;D
I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am Megaman!


Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com



I am BigHead2615. Every time I do a google search for anything Famicom or Famicom Disk System related, most of the time results from this site come up, if not from reddit, so, I finally decided to sign up for an account here.

I'm from the US / California, and I first started taking an interest in FC / FDS around 2006-2008. I bought the Gameboy Advance port of Super Mario Bros. 2 / The Lost Levels from a seller on eBay, around one of those years, and it intrigued me, especially over the years when I would learn that most (or some) FDS games had "enhanced sound" like The Legend of Zelda and Castlevania II.

I was preoccupied with World of Warcraft from 2008 until around the launch of the Shadowlands expansion, with a few brief breaks here and there over the years, and I eventually got a taste of "vanilla" through both World of Warcraft Classic, as well as a private server known as Turtle WoW.
So, getting into the FC / FDS was not a major priority to me for many of those years.

I did get into emulation via the raspberry pi, and in 2022, I finally bought myself a "New Famicom" or "AV Famicom", and finally, just within the last week or so, a Disk System, and I'm slowly buying some games to play with it; I have 10 cartridge games-

Battletoads (the 2021 re-release, or I think that was the year, I might be off),
Devil World,
Highway Star (known as Rad Racer otherwise, although I figure most of you already know that),
Super Mario Bros. 1, 3 and USA,
Tetris Flash,
and Wagyan Land 1 and 2,

all are "complete / CIB", which is my own problem or downfall or what ever with all of this, complete or CIB is my preference, and so many of the other games I'm still wanting are just so expensive to go for complete / CIB.

So far, I now have 3 FDS games-

Koneko Monogatari: The Adventures of Chatran,
Roger Rabbit,
and Super Mario Bros. 2,

all are "loose", or well, they have the hard plastic protectors, artwork-cards and paper sleeves, but nothing else, however, I have the manual for SMB 2 ordered and on it's way to me / being shipped.

I also have Akumajou Dracula / Castlevania 1, complete / CIB, ordered and being shipped as well.

That's about it as far as what all I'm into. I'm also into music, have been playing guitar and bass ever since 2000, with a wide range of musical taste, and I also do like a good range of movies and TV shows ranging from about the 1910s to, semi modern... I don't like a whole lot after 2010, but some things are alright.

I also enjoy working on / servicing classic game consoles. I'm nowhere near a reliable or confident "service-man", or where I would be willing to start up a service for people to pay me and send me their hardware to work on, but, I have been self-learning to solder and desolder, and I've successfully done full recaps of SNES consoles, replaced the reset button / mechanism as well as the power jack on my model 2 Sega Genesis, so, that's definitely a hobby of mine.

This post was a lot longer than I intended to make it. I'm just really happy that a message board / forum like this is still around, I remember them being abundant in the 2000s, and are sort of a rarity now considering all of the other "social media platforms" that have since replaced them.

Anyway, later  :D


Hi there! Feel free to call me Mew (I'm known elsewhere as ChrysalisM in the slim chance we may have met elsewhere on the web). I got into the Famicom area of gaming for multiple reasons:

1) Retro games are more my speed

2) they seem to average cheaper than their NES counterparts (I found that out fast early in my collecting)

3) I went down an internet rabbit hole looking into the history of bootleg & pirated famicom carts and famiclones, and wanted to take a stab at a couple of the games I ran into.

4) The USD to Canadian dollar exchange rate was pretty good when I saw that Redant Game Axe portable console with 7 NES games, 2 famicom carts, and a NES to famicom adapter on ebay...

In any case, I'm here to meet you all, talk about gaming, and generally hang out here for a while.

I'm so happy to meet you all!


Hello, Mew!  It's not as active as it used to be here, but nice to meet you.
