Double Dragon 2: The Revenge - Sample Version

Started by NintendoKing, September 24, 2009, 10:50:29 pm

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September 24, 2009, 10:50:29 pm Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 07:45:16 am by The Uninvited Gremlin

As many of you know, I recently acquired this prototype on a pirate cartridge.

"That's really awesome. I've never heard of a proto ROM ending up on pirate carts. I think it's likely that the piraters got ahold of a sample cart by being sneaky and pretending to be gamer magazine reporters. That's awesome.  --JC"

"Well, a real sample is worth around $50-75. I'd say it'd be worth $30 max. Hard to say for sure because pirates samples don't pop up -- ever.  --JC"

I have been playing it, and the differences it has over regular DD2; make it a very fun game to play. I have been playing it on and off practically all day long.

Its quite the amazing cartridge, if I had the ability to do ROM dumps; I would dump it for all of you to try out.

[Removed dead link]


September 24, 2009, 10:51:52 pm #1 Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 09:06:27 am by The Uninvited Gremlin
The pictures were provided by Kira, so he could prove to me it was a prototype of DD2.


Wow, that's pretty neat! I wonder how much it'd be worth? Seems pretty interesting, only other "proto" on a cart I know of at all is Time Diver(this has been said a million times by now I bet :)


Quote from: Bramsworth on September 24, 2009, 11:07:16 pm
Wow, that's pretty neat! I wonder how much it'd be worth? Seems pretty interesting, only other "proto" on a cart I know of at all is Time Diver(this has been said a million times by now I bet :)

"Well, a real sample is worth around $50-75. I'd say it'd be worth $30 max. Hard to say for sure because pirates samples don't pop up -- ever.  --JC"

JC's guess is the best I would accept.

Jedi Master Baiter

Anything interesting in gameplay? Like infinite continues?

Dante Vale

September 25, 2009, 12:54:13 am #5 Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 01:10:28 am by Dante Vale
From that picture it seems that "The Uninvited Gremlin" & "kirayamato" shared the same identical table & carpet. ;D I didn't even know that there is a sample cart especially bootleg.


September 25, 2009, 08:48:53 am #6 Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 09:08:51 am by The Uninvited Gremlin
Quote from: Dante Vale on September 25, 2009, 12:54:13 am
From that picture it seems that "The Uninvited Gremlin" & "kirayamato" shared the same identical table & carpet. ;D I didn't even know that there is a sample cart especially bootleg.

Those pictures were taken by him, I didnt feel like taking more. He sent me them to prove that it was indeed the prototype which still amazes me that a prototype is on a pirate. By far one of the coolest pirates I have ever seen.

@Jedi - Yes, it has infinite continues.
  - You get UNLIMITED CONTINUES with this prototype
  - Between continues there is the option to change difficulty settings
   (and swtich between the 1-player and 2-players modes)
  - Screen after the start screen says "Double Dragon" without the "II".
  - The ceiling spikes don't injure you when you jump into them.
  - You can do jumping knee rams under spikes and your life meter won't go down.
   - The fortress tank doesn't vent steam at you.
   - Antagonists become progressively tougher.
   - No disappearing platforms or falling fire on easy, likewise with medium. Difficult has fast disappearing platforms.
   - The wheels move faster on difficult than medium. No spikes fly up in the wheel room on easy.


ah very interesting. I never knew there were so many differences.
Retro Gaming Life


Quote from: FamicomFreak on September 25, 2009, 11:14:19 am
ah very interesting. I never knew there were so many differences.

I am proud to own this cartridge, its great.

Kira, seems to be a cool guy. He even apologized about sending me one of the wrong cartridge and offered to send it to me as a gift. But I told him its fine, truthfully I only really cared about getting the DD2 Proto.

Jedi Master Baiter

Quote from: The Uninvited Gremlin on September 25, 2009, 08:48:53 am
Quote from: Dante Vale on September 25, 2009, 12:54:13 am
   - Antagonists become progressively tougher.

Doesn't it still do that? ???
Anyway, good stuff - when you say 'No disappearing platforms or falling fire on easy' do you mean that the easy difficulty goes passed the third stage?


September 25, 2009, 02:51:04 pm #10 Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 03:03:03 pm by The Uninvited Gremlin
You can keep changing through difficulty settings during game-play every-time your lose a life.

Edit - On easy I have indeed passed the third stage; but since the proto is so good I prefer being on Normal mode.

By far, this game far surpasses the actual release version; I really enjoy this game.


September 25, 2009, 03:57:43 pm #11 Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 04:02:56 pm by Tootai
This all sounds like my proto. Probably the same build. Are you sure you're comparing to the japanese version of the game? I'm sure most of the differences can be explained by differences between the japanese and us version.

Oh btw my rom dump of this proto is available at


I also have a pirate of this game, mine has "sample" hacked to "editer jmhwang version" I always assumed it was just a pirate of the Japanese version...


Quote from: Hamburglar on September 25, 2009, 05:44:22 pm
I also have a pirate of this game, mine has "sample" hacked to "editer jmhwang version" I always assumed it was just a pirate of the Japanese version...

Does your copy have all the same abilities in game?
Because it might just be a odd title editiing.


Just wanted to add (as I think it's important and cool) that a proto like this is almost certainly a press / PR builld, with the differences built in to give an impression of the game for demo purposes etc.

That's much nicer to experience than just an early build without the later deisgn ironing and final bug fixes.  Most protos are an alpha build or similar, this to me seems more like a demo build, hence the sample version.  People could get a sample of the game play in a few moments.

I think people often like protos because they hint at the design approach behind the game in progress, but these sample versions are much more interesting if you think of them as 'purer' versions of a game.  "the candle that burns half as long burns twice as brightly Roy" springs to mind.

Give me this over an unfinished game anyday.  I've played unfinished versions of AAA titles and they suck compared to the release games.
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