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Show Your Stash!

Started by vealchop, November 18, 2006, 08:10:40 am

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Great set of games there. Joy Mecha Fight, Hanamaru and Boku Dracula Kun are some of my favorites.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


Quote from: Silius on August 04, 2013, 02:12:03 am
@Vinnk: Wow, that's a lot of disks! Is this a complete set?

Not yet, but getting closer all the time.  I think I am missing about 20-30 official titles and a bunch of unlicensed stuff.
My internet TV show [Famicom Dojo] www.famicomdojo.tv   My Japanese Retro Game Store https://japanretrodirect.ocnk.com


Quote from: Vinnk on August 04, 2013, 08:39:05 am
Quote from: Silius on August 04, 2013, 02:12:03 am
@Vinnk: Wow, that's a lot of disks! Is this a complete set?

Not yet, but getting closer all the time.  I think I am missing about 20-30 official titles and a bunch of unlicensed stuff.

You have a list of all the unlicensed stuff out there on disks?

Post Merge: August 06, 2013, 11:39:32 am

Quote from: nerdynebraskan on August 01, 2013, 10:57:39 am

You just have so much weird, unique stuff that you almost owe it to yourself and the rest of us interested in 8-bit history to better document your finds. You may have one of the most difficult collections to replicate of anyone I've ever seen or heard about.

Thanks for the comments bro.  :)  I definitely have a lot of interesting and obscure things around.

I am actually working on two projects to help document these finds.  One is a book (which I hope to complete if I can ever get some of the information I am seeking), and the other is an internet project to help document this obscure stuff.  If I have it my way, I would release the book and the internet project at the same time, but I am just quite a busy person so we'll see how it plays out.

I think that in the next few weeks I will try to organize my stuff a bit and take some pics for you guys to see.  Right now though, things are just too unorganized and messy for my liking.
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!



Not mine, but sheesh...

Also, it looks like this chap has a pretty big handbill collection:
My for Sale / Trade thread


truly a beautiful collection  :o
I am a big Nintendo fan! especially GameBoy, N64, SFC, GC. And of course Mario games
I collect SFC/N64 mainly. Some rare famicom stuff too. Also miscellaneous video game stuff.


I recently got a Super Famicom because the games were cheap on swedish ebay. I've amassed these games so far:


Only Kirby Superstar, Rockman X and Starfox are from regular ebay.


Quote from: L___E___T on August 07, 2013, 11:41:19 am
Not mine, but sheesh...

Also, it looks like this chap has a pretty big handbill collection:

Wow, the japanese dude that owns that truly has a gorgeous collection display! Love it! Reminds me, I need to pick up a boxed Titler console.  ;D



Major overhaul recently.  Sold my Famicom AV over instagram

Instagram: Kokujin804


Quote from: L___E___T on August 07, 2013, 11:41:19 am
Not mine, but sheesh...

Also, it looks like this chap has a pretty big handbill collection:

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Quote from: Toneman on August 13, 2013, 05:07:32 pm
Major overhaul recently.  Sold my Famicom AV over instagram

Boxed Twin Famicom, awesome collection.

A few days ago I took pictures from my collection. You can see it here   ;D ;D


My Famicom and Famiclon Blog - http://familycomgame.blogspot.com/


Hi everyone. Due to some requests from some people on the boards, I've decided to organize my collection better (it is still not perfect yet), and to take some pictures.  My goal is to collect all of the unlicensed games for the Famicom, sans the common hack changes (when I get those, they are a bonus, but there are just too many of them out there and a slight change in a title screen doesn't interest me much).  Enjoy the pics, and please PM me if you have anything you would be interested in selling me.  Thanks for the interest, and I hope you enjoy the pics :)

Starting off would be my adult Famicom games.  These are games that were published by Hacker International; some are for the Famicom, and some are for the Famicom Disk System.

These games were developed and published by NTDEC / Caltron, the guys who had made the infamous Caltron 6 in 1 carts for the NES.  The company made some unlicensed and some bootleg games.

Games by Idea Tek, who would publish their games in the USA via American Video Entertainment.

C&E games.  Decathlon doesn't work, unfortunately. 

Waixing games.  This company cranked out about 100 different games, mostly Chinese-language RPGs.  Some interesting stuff includes Pokemon and Zelda.

Games by BIC and Realtek.  These companies would bring Codemaster's games to the Famicom.  Some of these are bootleg copies I think.

I really like the above carts, made by Bit Corp.  Bit had made unlicensed games for the Atari, a handheld gaming machine with about 50 or so titles, and 5 or 6 original unlicensed Famicom games.  In addition, Bit Corp would release several bootleg multicarts.

The only two games published by Nitra.  These two are interesting, as both games were developed by Taito.  Time Diver Avenger was unreleased in every format except by Nitra.  It is not known if these were unlicensed or actually licensed by Taito.

Modern unlicensed Famicom games.  These contain original games, and the Japanese ones contain "hacked" versions of commercial games, I do believe.

Games published by Hosenkan.

Don't remember about the Final Fantasy games, but the rest were developed and published by Nanjing, a Chinese game company, which released about 100 Chinese RPGs.

Unlicensed games by Micro Genius.  Some of these would be released in the USA by American Video Entertainment.

These games were all developed by Hummer Team.  Some of these are hacked versions of Hummer's works.

Unlicensed games developed early on in the Famicom's history by Hwang Shinwei.

Carts from JY Corp.  Some of these contain games developed by Hummer Team. 

Ports of Famicom Disk System or non-Famicom released games.

Educational carts used for those Famicom keyboard/computer clones developed in the 2000s.

Pirated carts and a cart catalogue by Whirlwind Manu.  Since I have the catalgoue with the game listings, I've decided to start collecting these and hope to obtain a full set sometime.  Carts are bootleg versions of commercial software.

Various Super Mario Bros. games. 

Various Pokemon games.

Various games in general.  These are unlicensed titles produced by a bunch of companies, including Super Game, Gamtec, as well as some unknown companies.  Sometime I might go back through and organize these ones better, but since the sets are so small, they are just thrown together.  Also a few carts that I forgot to include in some of the other pics.

Fighters.  Some were made by Cony, Yoko, Rex, Sachen, and Hummer Team.  Not my favorite genre either.

Other boxed games from various companies.  Some were made by Hummer Team, others were from other smaller, less-known unlicensed game developers.

Unlicensed Korean Famicom games.  Some of these are originals, some are bootleg multicarts.  Notice the Karaoke game with microphone and song book!  It is in a plastic lunchbox, guess the Duck Tales limited release took after these guys!

Multicarts.  Some are older carts, others have interesting games on them, and some are just junk.

More multicarts.  The 9999 in 1 plays Unchained Melody in the background, and a nice 8 bit rendition at that.

More boxed stuff.  Some of these I forgot to add in other pictures, some are from smaller companies.  Some interesting highlights include some Chinese versions of regular Famicom games, such as Gremlins 2.

Sachen games.

More Sachen games.

And yet more Sachen games.

And yet even more Sachen goodnes.

And even more.  :)

Some official Famicom stuff including RAF World and Popeye English (with word guide).

More regular Famicom carts.  Some of these are bootlegs, some are legit copies; however, all of these games (well let's exclude the multicart and Pokemon hack that got on this pic by mistake) were released as official games.  Some of these are legit, some are copies.  I think Talespin and Jungle Book never appeared on Famicom, but were on the NES.

More of the same, yet with a few hacks thrown in (Double Dragon 4, Donkey Kong Country, Darkwing Duck 2, Lion King).

A few other extras I found while cleaning out, including some Sachen games, a Super Game title, etc.

Prototypes!!!  I would really like to offer a big thanks to the Nolan brothers, aka Mark and Matt, for most of these!  They had generously sent me the three AVE protos, and asked nothing in return.  Totally some of the most generous guys in the hobby that I have met, people whom I admire for all of the time and help offered.  Proto dumps and releases, prevening scammers from taking advantage of other members, and some many other things.  These carts are definitely the crown jewel of my collection and mean a hell of a lot to me.  Thanks a lot guys, not just for the carts, but for everything you do for the community.  :)

Anyway, I hope you guys have enjoyed the tour of my Famicom collection.  Best regards.
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!



Hooooooooooooooooooooooooolyyyy crap, Dave. I knew I had to nag you for pictures. That was totally worth it.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?



August 18, 2013, 10:04:31 am #506 Last Edit: August 18, 2013, 10:25:47 am by MasterDisk
Since I know you for a long time I've heard of most of your purchases, but seeing everything together just looks amazing.

Keep it up bro!

That Guy from Faxanadu

Wow, that´s a load of unofficial games! Very cool.


 :P......That collection is INSANE.....I've been collecting since 2006 and have no where near anything like that!!! nice job FCgamer!
- Collecting should be about owning the games as much as playing them!


November 22, 2013, 12:54:04 pm #509 Last Edit: November 22, 2013, 01:00:49 pm by L___E___T
Awesome stuff - personal favourites are the Yoko SF2 and the Chinese Gremlins 2 - both games I've missed out on before and been pipped to the post by a higher bidder.

What's the game between Titanic and Lethal Weapon on the picture with Gremlins 2?  Boxart is awesome!

Also, what's on the prototypes if I can ask?
My for Sale / Trade thread