What Languages Do You Speak?

Started by Jedi Master Baiter, February 14, 2007, 02:42:21 pm

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I've started to read a lot of translated writings of Arabic and linguistics books about Arabic, which makes me want to learn it. Maybe I'll take an Arabic class if I can fit it into my schedule. Fascinating language.


Learning German
The only japanese I know is from listening to the weeaboos online.
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I know african tongue clicks and dog.


Japanese(reading and hearing no problem, never speak it so not experienced enough in expressing myself in it perfectly yet)
Chinese(enough to get by)
French(equivalent of finishing HS I'm assuming)

I've previously started Italian and Russian, but those didn't last past a week. If I say I "know" those, then any moron that knows "kawaii" can claim to "speak" Japanese  :D


lol. Well it's kinda a given I thought. It's my native tongue.

I've slacked off language study forever. Really would like to get better at French. Honestly never feel too motivated to improve my Chinese for some reason though.


I'm starting Japanese lessons this week, work started a program to teach anyone who wants to learn for free :D
My for Sale / Trade thread


November 16, 2009, 04:20:56 pm #126 Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 05:22:20 pm by Peps1ru1es92
English (1st, fluent)
Spanish(2nd year in high school, i can understand simple sentences and construct them too, albeit usually wrong)

and a few phrases in Latin (grades 5-8, forgot alot, didn't learn alot) and Italian(spoken in my house)

EDIT: Though not me, the latin teacher at my school is fluent in like 10 languages. He can carry on an intelligent conversation in latin, spanish, french, italian, german, portugese, romanian, greek. and has a basic understanding of swedish, korean, welsh, russian, polish, zulu and more. Story goes he grew up on a farm and was so bored he studied languages for the hell of it.
Hey people, TRG still exists. Come join the meh-ness.




I'll add being able to understand some very basic Dutch and Afrikaans in written form. Never studied either language, but just based on my knowledge of German I can decipher similar words and such. I can't understand the spoken variants though.


Quote from: Peps1ru1es92 on November 16, 2009, 04:20:56 pm
English (1st, fluent)
Spanish(2nd year in high school, i can understand simple sentences and construct them too, albeit usually wrong)

and a few phrases in Latin (grades 5-8, forgot alot, didn't learn alot) and Italian(spoken in my house)

EDIT: Though not me, the latin teacher at my school is fluent in like 10 languages. He can carry on an intelligent conversation in latin, spanish, french, italian, german, portugese, romanian, greek. and has a basic understanding of swedish, korean, welsh, russian, polish, zulu and more. Story goes he grew up on a farm and was so bored he studied languages for the hell of it.

He must have had a real boring life.


English: native, Midwestern / standard dialect

French: took for four years; quit this year because of the abysmally slow teaching speed and all-around horrible teacher; plan to resume in college

Japanese: very basic only; can read and pronounce katakana and hiragana; can understand a few kanji symbols

As a side-note, I've learned to write UK English over the last year. I prefer using it because I feel more educated using "dialogue" instead of "dialog", and I also cannot abide some of the rules of American English.
For example,
Matthew's poem, "The Dao," was selected for the anthology instead of Catherine's poem, "The Ruby Sunset."
Why must I put the punctuation marks inside the quotation marks? They weren't in the original title...


Quote from: megaman on May 15, 2008, 10:44:52 am
Me: Chinese:Mandrain, Cantonese(understand,unfluent)
        french(grade3 LV.)
        spanish(few words)
        Marishus(few words)
        Japanese(few words)

     THAT IS 7 LANGUAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, yea!  :D Had to bring that to everyones attention again.


Wow, I can't believe it's been almost two years since megaman was on here!


I just speak/write in three languages, which are:
- Portuguese (European)
- Spanish (European)
- English (European)

I'm fluent. ;D

French.. I did knew, and was also fluent, but due to some circumstances it totally passed out. :-\

Famicom Kirby

I speak English and I'm learning japanese.


Meh my turn at old topic dig-out!
My languages:
Slovak (natively)
Czech (it's very similar to Slovak)
English (fluent, I hope :D)
German (I can understand almost everything said and written, but talking is something different)
Polish (the same as German, but a LOT better :D)
(and I do understand all Slavic languages a bit, like Russian, Bulgarian, languages of former Yugoslavia...)

Japanese? No, I don't have time anymore to study this language, but I was really desperate learning it when I was younger, so only some basics remained.