SFC -> FC GameJoy Converter not working properly.

Started by youlovetonyt, October 04, 2012, 06:57:38 pm

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Bought one of these in Japan last week. Was working fine. Was testing some games and it stopped working after I tested it with a crappy bootleg multicart I bought a while back.
Thought the cart was maybe still dirty (even though I already cleaned it) so I tried cleaning the converter with the cloth and credit card method.
Still getting just junk on the screen now.

I opened it up and didn't notice anything strange. I'm wondering if the contacts some how got bent on the inside somehow? Is there even a way to fix that if that is the case?
The weird thing about this is I get the same glitchy looking image every time unless I switch carts. The crap on the screen usually changes at least. Also, I noticed that if I turn the system on and THEN put the famicom cart on top, that I get that same glitchy image on the screen.

Not sure if there is anyway I can fix this thing :(. Any tips? I tested the games on a famiclone I had sitting around and they all worked fine. All of my Super Famicom games work fine on the system too, so it has something to do with the part of the converter where the FC games go.

Here are some images for reference: