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Show Your Stash!

Started by vealchop, November 18, 2006, 08:10:40 am

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November 18, 2006, 08:10:40 am Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 12:30:28 pm by JC
Ok, kind of funny story. I buy a lot of crap. When I run out of room for it I end up sticking it on a shelf or under some books or something. This makes my girlfriend none too happy. I had some famicom stuff laying around that I couldn't fit into my "stash" of other famicom stuff. Fearing that my girlfriend would just begin to pitch my stuff out the door, I scrambled to get it all in to my small space dedicated for Famicom stuff (or as she calls it....crap). Well I did it, I don't know how but I fit everything in there! Now I don't have too big of a collection, but I have some cool stuff. Notice you can see her knitting stuff at the bottom all out in the open and not in the "designated closet" haha. Oh and if you look close, theres a picture of me and her in the first photo! Post up a pic of your famicom stash!





There's more in my closet!


Nice! Hey does that NES work?


Yeah. I've got three there. One on the bottom shelf you can't quite see. The top one is unmodded. The middle shelf one is clipped for pirates and PAL. And the bottom one is unmodded PAL-A. All I need now is a PAL-B and I'm set.


All I have is...a box, that's it. :P


My stash is all over the place!  ???




Please excuse me while I go drool over those photos...

Profeta Yoshitake

Hey, people!
My house is not the cleaner kind of home, so I like to call it my... Lair!
Yoshitake's Lair!

Now Playing: Dragon Ball Fusions, Yggdra Union


Dang featherpluck and Profeta! :D Nice collections. So many games. And so many controllers in that last pic, Profeta. :)


Hey featherplucknfilms , wich kind of camera do you have ? You're pictures in your auctions are always so nice. My pictures are always so blurry... :D So if i decide to buy a new one I now what to buy  :)


I agree! Dude takes super nice photos, mine always suck haha!


Quote from: KennyB on November 28, 2006, 01:36:08 pm
You're pictures in your auctions are always so nice.

I've always thought it was a trick of lighting. We shall see.


Yeah, lighting is most important.  i just use two 100 watt bulbs directed at the item.  Nothing pro but a cheap way to light it up decently well.  With any camera and good lighting the small eBay pictures should come out fine but I use a good camera too, Canon 30D. Before I was using a Sony Cybershot DSC-T5 (it may be a different name in US) and they looked good too.  Thats a nice camera that I would recommend. 

If your pictures are always blurry you probably aren't lighting the area well enough; so the camera is opening the shutter for a long time to let more light in and your hand is shaking a little and blurring the photo.  Blast it with spotlights!


Do you ever use a flash? If so, the "spotlights" must dwindle any glare.